luigi s

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Via Families Rating

Ref: IT1872

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Italy( Opera (MI))

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Who I am?

Hi! My name is Maria and I'm an italian girl that is looking for a place to live in a guest family for two weeks. I'm going to attend Digital Film School from the 9th to the 13th of july to learn something about cinema. In my spare time I would like to be able to visit the city. 
I come from a big family so I'm used to living in a lively Enviroment and I'm also willing to help, as long as I'll stay at home.
I would love to stay with a family  because I think is the best way to improove my english and come into contact with the culture of this interesting city.

 I'm looking forward to living this experience and to meet nice people

Best regards

Maria Schmid

Family and Location

Maria Schmid

Studies: Secondary school

Mother languages: Italian

Hobbies: Cinema

Personality: Creative, Pleasant, Shy

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