Francisco M

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Via Families Rating

Ref: ES686

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Who I am?

Hi I'm Francisco Jesus Marquez Lanza. We live in a house with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, in a complex with swimming pool and barbecue that we use with friends.The house is within walking distance of the city center, with buses in the front door, and cultural activities to which you can walk 5 minutes.
Hello we are a fun family and wide.
Mamy Marta, I have 40 years I am magnagemen, I like reading, music, dance and enjoy my family and friends.
Dad Paco, I have 41 years I am an occupational therapist and psychologist working in the service of gender equality and teacher in the university. I enjoy reading, traveling, dancing and diving.
Adriana, 10 years, studying English and Chinese, I love skating, crafts and fashion design.
Carolina 6 years, studied English and likes to dance and is very glamorous.
Marta Liuqing 5 years, she begun school this year, she was born in china, I am studying English and likes teddy bears.
In our spare time we love to go out and enjoy caring acts, storytelling, or visit our friends in Malaga and Marbella.
We have a motor home which we use to travel, is 6 squares so there is a place for you if you like.

Family and Location


Mother languages: English, Spanish

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