Alegría B

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Via Families Rating

Ref: ES5600

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Que quiere hacer:

Envío de estudiantes

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¿Quién soy?

I'm interested in sending my daughter, Alegría, 16, to an English-speaking family during July and August. I want a big or active family with children of her age, who are interested in outdoor activities and getting out of the house.

We come from a fairly large family and she doesn't mind chaos, but she is good at bringing order. She likes children and animals, she adapts well to the plans you prepare but she is also independent to make his own. Her specific hobbies are: outdoor sports (volleyball, rugby, soccer...), water sports, reading, museums and culture, the beach (she love swimming)... whatever plan she finds will be fine, she never gets bored.

I also have 2 more children, two boys aged 18 and 10. I'm a designer and creator of jewelry. In summer we go to a town in Barcelona, where the whole family is. That is why we want a family like ours, so that she feels at home.

Familia y Ubicación


Trabajo: Otro

Idiomas maternos: español

Alegría Bruk

Estudios: En el colegio.

Idiomas maternos: español

Hobbies: Acampada, Animales, Buceo, Cine, Escuchar música, Hípica, Ir a la playa, Juegos de mesa, Jugar a cartas, Leer, Nadar, Naturaleza, Patinaje, Rugby

Personalidad: Activo, Amable, Animado, Apasionado, Creativo, Directo, Educado, Enérgico, Extrovertido, Maduro

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