Leonardo F

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Via Families Rating

Ref: GB853

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Who I am?

Hello, I'm an Italian 22-year-old flight attendant currently working for Norwegian Air based in London-Gatwick airport. I have a big family consisting of my parents and three sisters. I live alone in the UK since the age of 18 as there are no jobs in Italy and I had to move out as I couldn't live in the same place with my family because my parents still have no money to look after all of us kids. We are not anymore kids to be honest but because of this economic crisis it's hard for my sisters to move out the house. I was lucky I found a nice job in London. I'm now trying to commute from Italy so basically move back to my country and try to be independent with my own place. The problem is that the rents here in the UK are so high that I can't afford to pay two rents in both countries (I need to have a room in England too as I pay taxes and need a home address). Would be nice to find a place nearby the airport or anyway close enough without paying a fortune. Maybe I could do the cleaning in the house for you when I'm off ? Or I could take care of something you may need? If you're interested please contact me :-)

Family and Location


Studies: Vocational Training

Work: Director

Mother languages: English, Italian

Hobbies: Basketball, Cinema, Cooking, Nature, outdoors, Reading, Running, Swimming, Travel, Videogames, Volleyball, Walking

Personality: Adventurous, Easy-going, Kind, Polite, Practical, Quiet, Self-confident

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