
The great adventure has already passed, everything has turned out wonderfully, but the relationship that was formed during that time is for life. That is why we recommend you:


If you have had a good experience stay in touch.

It is great to be able to travel and know that you have good friends in those countries. You never know, contacts and good friendships can be of great help in your future.

Invite them to get know your country

Remain in touch and let them know they can count on you. Maintaining friendships with people or families of similar profiles in different countries of the world, is a gift for life.

At the end of your experience

Do not forget to share it on your profile wall, photos or videos and with the rest of the community, where you have been, restaurants, current affairs, schools, sports, etc. Your information will be invaluable to other travelers!

Share it by clicking on it on your profile and indicating I want to share it. Indicate with whom you have made the exchange for example: Luisa #ES 4032 and explain your adventure.

At the end of your experience

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